Tuesday, February 06, 2007

For Those With No Self-Control

If you want to go and sit in college and cry, ok. But if you're about to leave the house and you're in a position wherein you could start crying at any point during the day, stay at home! And I know the argument: "People are allowed to be upset, you unsympathetic wanker". I don't want to see you ruining everyone else's day with your moping about. At least find somewhere with fewer people than the Street for shit's sake! If something came up (and it has recently for me) whilst in public, don't inflict it on everyone else. Go away! Have some sort of etiquette. It's there for a reason you moping twat. I've been through shit too, so SHUT THE FUCK UP!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got that right, people can take their problems to a quiet corner of some maths room or somewhere similar. It pisses me off when people make a fuss in public, it's a cry for attention. If its in a less public area with fewer people its probably something genuine!

9:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the street, you're split into the groups of people you converse with and care about, therefore if you display some sort of emotion, it's generally only going to matter to the people sitting immediately near you. Whether passers-by choose to take interest or not is entirely up to them.

If you ran up and down the length of the street crying and making as much noise as you can, then of course you are attention whoring.

People deal with situations differently Mark, you have to learn to accept that. If you choose to keep it locked up then that's entirely your choice and you can do what you want.

I would imagine that people with a genuine problem would rather it not get the better of them - making them stay at home and mope on their own, controlling their lives and stopping them from doing what they wanted - so they choose to go out or to college. If they get upset there, they can rely on their friends to help them out.

Granted if the situation is "I dunno what to wear tonight Johnny :'(" then by all means you can get angry about it...hell, I do. However with genuine problems I prefer to lend a hand and talk about them rather than tell people to shut up.

3:29 pm  
Blogger Squidgyegg said...

If people had a genuine problem, they can find somewhere private to outwardly express themselves. I'm quite happy to help someone, but I really would prefer them to ask me to talk and then find somewhere quiet.

Without giving a name, toward the end of last summer someone was upset about something, and they called me to talk about it. We met up (in public, but in a place where people don't generally linger: on the grass in the middle of a large roundabout (you know who you are now))) and we talked it over. This, for example is the behaviour I expect. Instead of going and moping about somewhere like the Street at college or in a busy park, we found somewhere where people weren't staying and chatted on the grass. We could quite easily have gone to see friends (I was on my way to meet people when she rung), but we didn't.

4:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Mark. Its best to keep your emotions locked up inside you. If you let you emotions out something terrible could happen to your hair and your jeans will become very tight.

9:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol @ Dave.

11:02 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO DAVE keeping them inside doesn't work for everyone! You should let them out but choose your time place and people carefully! Which is basically what you other guys said lol! I would like to mention girls do get slightly more emotional than guys! x :)

12:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If someone's going to piss and cry about something inconsequential (where the meaning of this can be left acceptably vague and open for interpretation, which covers my back if anyone gets offended), they ought to take it elsewhere. If only the announcement to "get a room" could be adapted to "get a corner to cry and slit your wrists in" or something snappier and better, then we'd be able to yell at attention whores. If you're going to let emotion out in public, it should be anger.

4:53 pm  

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