Monday, January 29, 2007


Saturday was one of the most boring days in my life, ever. An outline of the day would go something like:

0830 Get to station, spent too much money on return tickets to Exeter despite a discount card (£23).

0907 Get on train. Survive first two hours by reading. A recurring thought was, I really wish I'd brought my MP3 player. Get ridiculously bored. Fiddle with a guitar pick for an hour

1200 Get off train, walk to Exeter University. The walk from Exeter St Davids to the Exeter University is really really steeply uphill and I was out of breath after the 15 minute walk

1230 Get dragged around the university, eat a lame lunch that isn't particularly appetising with people I don't know in near silence. "What's your name then?" "Mark, you?" "[Other person's name]." "Where did you come from?" "[Other person's hometown]. You?" "Basingstoke." "Oh." Silence.

1430 Fail in an interview for a masters' course in physics. I forgot what spin was called, forgot about the Pauli Exclusion Principle and forgot which course I was applying for (Quantum Science and Lasers MPhys)

1500 Get dragged around the university, sit on a bus, drive around town for no apparent reason and get dropped off at Exeter St Davids station

1630 Get to the station, have a sandwich and a Pepsi. Wait for train for 90 minutes

1810 Train leaves for Basingstoke. Bored from outset. Read 200 pages in a book (A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon, which turned out to be quite good). Fiddle with a .55mm gauge guitar pick for an hour. Get off train, feel like a zombie

2115 Miss bus by a matter of ten seconds (it was pulling away from the bay as I saw it). Spend far too much money on a taxi to Pamber Heath (£15)

Altogether, I spent about £48: £23 on trains, £15 on a taxi, £10 on food. And a wasted day. Just to fuck up an interview.

I wasted my life, learn from it.

Don't follow in my tracks.

I weep in distress.


Blogger vickig said...

Have you heard from the other Unis yet?

10:50 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a pretty bad day. Personally i thought Exeter was realyl nice... they just didnt have the right course for me...

...and your so right about all the hills.

5:20 pm  
Blogger Squidgyegg said...

Reply to Vicki:

No. They're all really slow.

8:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be perfectly honest now you've said that I'm rethinking my position on applying for a Masters in physics. I particularyly liked 1230, I can picture you saying 'silence', extremely sacrcasticly in sid the sloth manour.

4:14 pm  
Blogger Squidgyegg said...

I got an ABB offer from them in te end. A shock!

8:45 pm  

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