Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Guitar Resources

These are the guitar resources I use. I find them very helpful and I'd like to share them with the world:

I find that's all I need online to learn new songs, write songs, play solos and find what key existing songs are in.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all except the bastards I want to hurt a lot (I have some people in mind - you know who you are).

Friday, December 15, 2006

My Favourite Video Ever

It's poor quality, it's shot by an amateur, but no other video has ever had quite the same effect on me. This man, called Herman Li, taught himself guitar and has progressed to such an amazing standard. Click the link and watch the 40 second video, and if you have any idea about music then you'll know what I mean.


Monday, December 04, 2006

A List for the Needy

On Saturday night, I went round a friend called Dave's house and drunk too much and played a bit of Pro Evo and guitar and stuff. After a few too many, I created a list with the help of the participants around me. It is about a girl, who's name I have replaced with ******** and one of the words in point number 4 I have replaced with a few random characters due to it being too obscene for the general public. Thus, here is the list with translations and/or reasons in square brackets:


1) I must be boring [this person typically finds my sense of humour irritating].
2) I must get with what she gets with [self explanitory really].
3) I must be interested in the shit she's interested in [ditto].
4) I must insert my dik into her @#?/>}*!& [dick I think that is].
5) Get one of her friends to find out what typer of buys she likes ark then turn into that person [Get one of her friends to find out what type of guys she likes and then turn into that person].
6) Get a penis enlargement [good idea apparently...].
7) As soon as she askes me out, Iim on the downward slope to getting withher [she won't fuck me if she's my girlfriend].
8) Rohypnol [date rape. I can't believe I spelt this right].
9) Hammer across her face. If I fucke heer while she's still warm it would be a bit leese necrophilic (only if she resists (4) [lol].
10) Tell her how much I fucing love her. She's fucking perfect [oh dear, I'd reached my sentimental state].
11) Give her a flower, coz that's boring AND romantic [I seem to be able to punctuate correctly when pissed, but not spell].
12) Give her a circus of midgets performing a song withe her name in [thanks Tim, I tried, but couldn't find a circus of midgets in college. "A circus of midgets? For me? OH!"
13) Dedicate/write asong abot her andperform it intront offer [very accurate spelling due to mashedness].

Kina Mutai

The Philippine art of biting and eye-gouging. It's brilliant!

Read about Kina Mutai

When I find more time, I will publish a list of girl-getting techniques that I took note of when smashed last Saturday (with a certain girl in mind, but her name will not appear).