Thursday, October 26, 2006

Londonland Day

On Tuesday, Will, Joe, Dave, Etheridge, Chris, Phillips, Taylor, John and I went to London. We got on the train cheap due to the large group and Taylor got a day return with unlimited tube for a pound for being a little shit.

We spent the day sightseeing and shopping, as you're supposed to in London. At one point we went to Camden Town. It's like going to a different country, the culture is so amazingly different. I was the only person in my posse who visibly enjoyed being there so we didn't stay for long.

We spent all day in the capital without any problems, no-one came up to us and hassled us in any way, everything went smoothly (except for lunch, which took place in a shambolic little fish and chips place in Waterloo) and we all had fun. At the end of the day, we got the train back to Basingstoke, and within 30 seconds of leaving the station, a the top of the station stairs, guess what? We were disturbed by some wanker. The conversation went something like:

Wanker: Any you boys got a fag?
All: No sorry, none of us smoke.
Wanker: Really, none of you got a fag? I just got off an ambulance you see, some lung something or other...
All: Nope, sorry.
Wanker: Got any green?
All: No, we don't smoke weed. None of us are addicted to anything.
(Rest of the posse exchange glances)
Wanker: How old are you?
(Everyone states their age, ranging from 15 to 17)
Wanker: I'm well impressed with you, you're that old and you don't even smoke green! Good luck with life mate. (Pats Dave on back)

Does that sum up Basingstoke or what?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is at least one problem. It's Etheridge-Smythe, not just Etheridge.

2:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the market at Camden town, i was just worried that i was gonna get mugged.

7:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You missed out

Wanker: "Do you lot smoke green?"
Dave: "Not yet".

Classic line by Dave there. To be perfectly honest I didn't mind Camden town, it's just I'd rather have been in other places.

11:21 am  

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